Future matches – Family Medicine/Enhanced Skills Match
Future match timelines are provided to support match planning activities. These timelines are approved by the AFMC Resident Matching Committee (ARMC) and may be subject to change.
2026 Family Medicine/Enhanced Skills Match
25 June 2025 at 12:00 (noon) ET
CaRMS Online opens for PGME offices, program directors and administrators
If you were a PGME, program administrator or director for a previous CaRMS match, you can log into CaRMS Online using your existing username and password. If you have forgotten your username or password, click on the ‘Forgot your username or password’ option on the CaRMS Online login page.
If you are a new program director or administrator for this match and have not received an email, please contact your PGME office.
Program descriptions open for editing
Program directors and administrators may log into CaRMS Online and start updating their program descriptions. Program descriptions must be finalized and submitted to the PGME office for review by the “Program descriptions sent to PGME office for approval” deadline.
15 July 2025 at 12:00 (noon) ET
DEADLINE: Program descriptions sent to PGME office for approval
Program directors and administrators must submit their program descriptions to their postgraduate offices for review and approval by 12:00 ET on this date.
29 July 2025 at 12:00 (noon) ET
CaRMS Online opens for applicants
Applicants may begin the application process.
Applicants who participated in a previous match can log into their CaRMS Online account using their existing username and password to participate in the match. Anyone who has forgotten their username or password can click on the ‘Forgot your username or password’ option on the CaRMS Online login page.
Program descriptions approved by PGME offices and available on carms.ca
Program descriptions for all programs participating in the match should be approved and available on carms.ca for applicants to review. Once program descriptions are approved, they are immediately available on carms.ca for applicants to consult.
Filter and file reviewer setup
11 December 2025 at 12:00 ET
Post-match process opens for PGME offices and programs
Postgraduate offices indicate which programs are participating in the post-match process and the number of positions available.
Post-match process program descriptions are available for editing.
12 December 2025 at 12:00 ET
2027 Family Medicine/Enhanced Skills Match
24 June 2026 at 12:00 (noon) ET
CaRMS Online opens for PGME offices, program directors and administrators
If you were a PGME, program administrator or director for a previous CaRMS match, you can log into CaRMS Online using your existing username and password. If you have forgotten your username or password, click on the ‘Forgot your username or password’ option on the CaRMS Online login page.
If you are a new program director or administrator for this match and have not received an email, please contact your PGME office.
Program descriptions open for editing
Program directors and administrators may log into CaRMS Online and start updating their program descriptions. Program descriptions must be finalized and submitted to the PGME office for review by the “Program descriptions sent to PGME office for approval” deadline.
14 July 2026 at 12:00 (noon) ET
DEADLINE: Program descriptions sent to PGME office for approval
Program directors and administrators must submit their program descriptions to their postgraduate offices for review and approval by 12:00 ET on this date.
28 July 2026 at 12:00 (noon) ET
CaRMS Online opens for applicants
Applicants may begin the application process.
Applicants who participated in a previous match can log into their CaRMS Online account using their existing username and password to participate in the match. Anyone who has forgotten their username or password can click on the ‘Forgot your username or password’ option on the CaRMS Online login page.
Program descriptions approved by PGME offices and available on carms.ca
Program descriptions for all programs participating in the match should be approved and available on carms.ca for applicants to review. Once program descriptions are approved, they are immediately available on carms.ca for applicants to consult.
Filter and file reviewer setup
10 December 2026 at 12:00 ET
Post-match process opens for PGME offices and programs
Postgraduate offices indicate which programs are participating in the post-match process and the number of positions available.
Post-match process program descriptions are available for editing.