Individual programs decide which applicants they want to interview. If you are invited for an interview, your invitation will come directly from the program – most likely by email.
While CaRMS doesn’t track or record interview invitations issued by programs, we do collect and post the dates they will hold interviews in the interview calendar below. We do this to help prevent conflicts between faculties for a single discipline (excluding Family Medicine). If you are invited to more than one interview and the dates conflict, you can contact the programs directly to make alternate arrangements.
While there is a set interview period for Canadian medical graduates outlined in the first iteration match timeline, interviews for international medical graduates can take place anytime between the opening of file review and the rank order list deadline.
During second iteration, there is no set interview period and interviews can take place anytime between the opening of file review and the rank order list deadline.
Who does what in the interview process
- Collects and publish interview dates on
- Provides amelioration in the case of concerns about an interview
- Facilitates equal opportunity employment by masking applicant photos until the interview process begins
Faculties of medicine:
- Provide CaRMS with interview dates
- Decide which applicants to interview
- Coordinate interviews directly with applicants
- Conduct interviews