Updated October 29, 2024

University of Manitoba

2026 Cycle Information

Criteria applicable for all medical graduates; for specific information, please see tabs.

The 2023 provincial criteria is currently under review.

Please note that the criteria on this page is from the 2022 match. Updated criteria will be posted on this page in the upcoming months, once it has been reviewed by the province.


GENERAL INFORMATION (Adult) colorectal surgery is joining the 2026 Pediatric Subspecialty Match.
LICENSING BODY All applicants must be eligible for registration with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba (CPSM) on the educational register. CPSM categories of registration and eligibility criteria for licensure after residency can be reviewed at the following website.
SOURCE OF FUNDING Funding for Residency positions is provided by Manitoba Health
TRAINING LEVEL ELIGIBILITY All Pediatrics residents in ACGME-accredited Pediatrics programs who are interested in applying for a Pediatrics subspecialty program in Canada will need to have their training assessed by the RCPSC in comparison to Canadian training.

  • A resident who has or will complete their Pediatrics residency in an ACGME-accredited program in the U.S. will need to complete an approved PGY-4 year in a core RCPSC Pediatrics program in Canada to be eligible to apply for subspecialty training in Canada. The RCPSC assessment of U.S. training will establish what is needed during the PGY-4 year. U.S residents interested in doing a PGY-4 year in a Canadian core Pediatrics program will need to reach out to the residency programs individually and explore if this opportunity is available.


  • If a resident is completing a PGY-4 chief resident year in an ACGME-accredited program in the U.S., the RCPSC assessment of training will establish if the resident is eligible for the RCPSC examinations/fellowship. For more information on having your training assessed, please contact Chantal Benoit at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (cbenoit@royalcollege.ca)

Subspecialty: Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Training level: Current resident
Eligibility Details: Applicants from Pediatrics will be accepted during their PGY-3 year of training for entry into the subspecialty residency programs in their PGY-5 year of training. Applicants from Emergency Medicine usually are accepted in their PGY-5 year and complete the majority of the program in their PGY-6 of training

Subspecialty: Pediatric Subspecialties

Training level: Current resident
Eligibility Details: Applicants from Pediatrics will be accepted during their PGY-3 year of training for entry into the subspecialty residency programs in their PGY-5 year of training.

Subspecialty: Colorectal Surgery

Training level: Current resident
Eligibility Details: General Surgery Residents are welcome to apply to the University of Manitoba’s Colorectal Surgery Residency Program. To be eligible, applicants must either be in their fourth year of an accredited Canadian General Surgery Residency Program or hold a General Surgery certification from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

This colorectal subspecialty program is open to Canadian citizens who have graduated from Canadian General Surgery Residency Programs. Currently, we are not accepting applications from VISA trainees or international surgical trainees.

RESTRICTIONS Applicants who are off cycle by more than six months will be considered for the subsequent match.

Visa-sponsored trainees must apply for subspecialty training outside of the Pediatric Subspecialty Match. Please see the following website for more information: https://umanitoba.ca/medicine/postgraduate-medical-education

Colorectal Surgery: Currently, we are not accepting applications from VISA trainees or international surgical trainees.  Please see the following website for more information on Colorectal Surgery residency: https://umanitoba.ca/medicine/department-surgery/colorectal-surgery-residency

CITIZENSHIP REQUIREMENTS See the Summary of citizenship requirements.
PROOF OF LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY See the Summary of language proficiency requirements.



  • Requirement: Mandatory with exceptions
  • Date/milestone assessment submission required: File review opening

The province will accept the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Step 1 and Step 2 in place of the MCCQE Part I for United States Medical Graduates.

Medical Council of Canada (MCC) examination data and documents are only accepted as transfers from physiciansapply.ca. Instructions on how to transfer documents from physiciansapply.ca to your CaRMS account can be found here.

RETURN OF SERVICE (ROS) REQUIREMENTS All applicants with a return of service agreement must attach a copy of that agreement to their applications.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION All candidates accepted to all residency programs must attend the mandatory PGME orientation day.



  • Requirement: Mandatory with exceptions
  • Date/milestone assessment submission required: File review opening

Examination: NAC Examination

  • Requirement: Mandatory
  • Date/milestone assessment submission required: File review opening

The province will accept the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Step 1 and Step 2 in place of the MCCQE Part I.

Medical Council of Canada (MCC) examination data and documents are only accepted as transfers from physiciansapply.ca. Instructions on how to transfer documents from physiciansapply.ca to your CaRMS account can be found here.

RETURN OF SERVICE (ROS) REQUIREMENTS  All applicants with a return of service agreement must attach a copy of that agreement to their applications. The printed agreement must indicate that subspecialty training in a province different from the one to which return of service is required is acceptable.
MEDICAL EDUCATION International Medical Graduates (IMGs) must be graduates of an acceptable medical school on the World Directory of Medical Schools list. Confirmation of World Directory status MUST be provided by submitting a copy or printout from the World Directory of Medical Schools website.


Pre-Residency Orientation Programs

To help ensure a smooth transition to residency, all IMG candidates accepted to residency programs are required to complete the mandatory two-week orientation program in June 2026.  Further information about the mandatory IMG Orientation can be found on the University of Manitoba, International Medical Graduates-Orientation webpage.

All candidates accepted to all residency programs must attend the mandatory PGME orientation day, on Friday , June 26, 2026.

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