Your program will rank the applicants you want to train in order of preference (from most preferred to least preferred), excluding any applicants you are not willing to train. You are under no obligation to rank all of the applicants who have applied to your program.

Applicants also rank their preferred programs, excluding any programs they applied to but do not wish to train at.

These rank order lists (ROLs) are the only true determinants of a match outcome.

ROLs are confidential. This means applicants will not know if or how they were ranked by a program, and programs will not know if or how an applicant has ranked them.

Ranking instructions

  • Do not rank any applicants you are not willing to train. Match results are binding. This means you must accept any applicant you are matched with. Failure to honour this commitment will be a violation of the Services Contract between the AFMC and CaRMS.
  • Base ranking selections on your own preferences and not how you think an applicant will rank your program.
  • Rank order lists are the decision makers in the match – any conversations with applicants with regard to mutual interest are not official, or binding, and should not affect your decisions.

Your rank order list is not finalized until it has been approved by your postgraduate office.

For step-by-step instructions on how to submit your rank order list in CaRMS Online account, visit our Help Centre.

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