The R-1 Main Residency Match (R-1 match) for entry level postgraduate training positions encompasses more than 4,800 applicants and 30 programs at Canada’s 17 medical schools every year.

This match is offered in two iterations each year:

The first iteration includes all graduating students and prior year graduates from Canadian, American and international medical schools who meet the basic eligibility criteria and have no prior postgraduate training in Canada or the US.

The second iteration includes positions and applicants not matched in the first iteration, applicants with previous Canadian or US postgraduate training, as well as applicants who did not participate in the first iteration for any other reason.

CaRMS is an important step in your journey to becoming a practicing physician in Canada, and we want to make the residency match process as easy as possible for you.

Access commonly searched-for information below, or register for a match.

Canada’s medical faculties have important responsibilities in the match, and we’re here to help make the process as simple as possible. Select your role to see information specifically designed to guide you through the match year.

Program director & admin

As a program director or administrator, you have an important role to play in the match. During the match cycle, you can update program descriptions, assign file reviewers, review applications, submit your program’s list of preferred applicants (rank order list) and access your program’s match results.

Access commonly searched-for information below.

Undergraduate office

Undergraduate offices are an important resource and support for applicants in the match, and we’re here to help you make the match process as easy as possible for students at your faculty.

In addition to supporting your faculty’s students, you are also responsible for providing CaRMS with applicant-related information, including a list of the year’s graduating class, expected graduation dates, MSPRs and transcripts.

Access commonly searched-for information below.

Postgraduate office

As a postgraduate office manager or match coordinator, you have an important role to play in the match. You are responsible for providing CaRMS with program-related information including: programs participating in the match, quota, provincial criteria, approval of program descriptions submitted by participating programs, as well as approval/final submission of rank order lists, quota and reversions.

Postgraduate offices also have access to your university’s applicant pools by program, reports relating to the match and match results for your school’s programs.

Access commonly searched-for information below.

File reviewer & interviewer

File reviewers and interviewers play an important role in the final stages of the match process, and we want to help your job as easy as possible. You will have access to review applications to your program directly in CaRMS Online.

Access commonly searched-for information below.

If you’ve been asked to provide a reference for an applicant in the R-1 match, you’ll find everything you need to know right here.

To get started, you’ll need a CaRMS Online account.

Already have an account? Just log in

Don’t have an account? Register here

Don’t know if you have an account? Contact us and we’ll check for you.

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