If you fill all your positions

  • It is best practice to contact your matched applicants on Match Day or shortly after.
  • Ensure you download all your matched applicant information from CaRMS Online.
  • If you have paper or electronic copies of unmatched applicant files, please carefully dispose of them as soon as possible, as per the Services Contract between the AFMC and CaRMS.

If you have unfilled positions

CaRMS’ post-match process allows unmatched applicants to submit their applications to programs who are still considering candidates. There is no cost for the post-match process and no ranking or matching services are included.

Contact your postgraduate office if you would like your program to be included in the post-match process. There is no obligation to participate in this process.

Available positions, which will be listed in the post-match process program descriptions, can be added or removed at any time.

Consult the post-match process timeline for detailed information.

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