CaRMS is committed to promoting and safeguarding the principles of fairness, equity and professionalism in the match process. We understand the importance of ensuring the match is safe and fair for everyone involved—and we know you do too.
The Match Violations Policy is one of the primary ways we help ensure equitable processes and mutual accountability throughout the application, selection and match process.
Videos, FAQs and more
To help you learn more about how the Match Violations Policy protects you—and the match itself—you can find the policy, frequently asked questions, and a host of other helpful resources on our website. You’ll also be able to watch a series of short animated videos highlighting some of the most common match violations for both applicants and faculties.
Our goal with these resources is to ensure both applicant and faculty match participants understand what constitutes a violation, are clear on the process for reporting a violation, and feel safe and supported in doing so should the need arise.
Find out how CaRMS is protecting the integrity of the match, and how you can do your part, by clicking the button below to explore all the resources on