Part of our work at CaRMS is identifying trends and leveraging data to provide the medical education community with the information necessary to make informed decisions. One of the ways we do this is through our interactive data tools.
These charts allow you to dive deep into R-1 Main Residency Match data through three different lenses.
Quota and applications by discipline: Click through 10 years of detailed R-1 match data for a longitudinal look at trends in Canadian medical graduate position and application data by discipline.
Applications by faculty and discipline: See the number of applications submitted to Canadian faculties of medicine for the last five R-1 match years, by discipline.
Interview offers: Examine five years of data showing interview offers extended by programs in the R-1 match—by both applicant type and program discipline.
You can access the interactive charts for quota & applications, applications by faculty and discipline, and interview offers by clicking on the buttons below.