CaRMS is pleased to share the highlights of 2021 in our Annual Report

As we enter 2022, we’d like to take a moment to look back and celebrate our shared accomplishments over the last year in our 2021 Annual Report.

We began 2021 with a continued focus on bringing value to the medical education community, while still navigating the uncertainty that the COVID-19 pandemic brought us. We have continued to support the changing needs and expectations of our clients and stakeholders while sustaining the match system during the pandemic.

What you will find in the pages of our Annual Report are what we consider to be the highlights of 2021, including improvements we have made for the 2021 and 2022 match cycles. We would not be able to accomplish all that we have in the last year without collaboration with our valued partners in medical education.

We are looking forward to continuing this important work and supporting our clients in the year to come.

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