Board Committees and Working Groups

There are five committees that report to the CaRMS Board of Directors. The committees meet at least twice a year and are made up of Board and non-Board members, depending on the needs and responsibilities of each committee. Review the committees below for more information.

Executive Committee

Between meetings of the Board, the Executive Committee exercises the Board’s authority in the management of CaRMS.

Governance Committee

The purpose of the Governance Committee is to support the Board in fulfilling its legal, ethical, and functional responsibilities through governance policy development; Board recruitment, selection, and nomination; Board orientation and training programs; monitoring of Board activities, and evaluation of Board, Director and Committee performance.

Finance and Audit Committee

The Finance and Audit Committee assists the Board in fulfilling its fiduciary and corporate governance responsibilities in relation to the organization’s strategic financial management; budget planning; investment; evaluation of proposals for new activities and services and providing recommendations regarding the evaluation of newly introduced services; internal controls; external controls; risk management (financial and other); safeguarding of assets; mitigating risk of fraud; and compliance systems.

Research and Data Committee

The purpose of the CaRMS Research and Data Committee is to provide oversight to CaRMS’ research and data activities by approving and consulting on (1) data/analysis request policies, (2) data sharing policies, and (3) a multi-year research agenda that will inform evidence-based policy development in partnership with clients, members, stakeholders and others as deemed appropriate.

Awards Committee

The purpose of the Awards Committee is:

  • to promote the Sandra Banner Student Award for Leadership (SBSAL) to students, residents and stakeholders in the medical education community
  • to establish and maintain procedures, as well as eligibility and selection criteria, for the SBSAL
  • to oversee the annual SBSAL application and selection process

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Working Group

The purpose of the Board Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Working Group is to develop and implement EDI policies, principles, and processes that will be incorporated into CaRMS Board of Directors’ activities on an ongoing basis.

CaRMS Committees

Application Review Committee

The CaRMS Online Application Review Committee for Postgraduate Residency Training is responsible for reviewing and recommending improvements to the CaRMS Online application. The committee’s focus is on the content of the application, ensuring that the information collected is limited to the components necessary for the facilitation the match process. This committee’s membership comprises a balance of stakeholders, system users and experts.

Want to have a say in the application review process? Contact us at and we’ll connect you with a representative who can ensure your views are heard.

Joint CaRMS Match Violations Policy Committee (Joint Committee)

The mandate of the Joint Committee is to develop the CaRMS Match Violations Policy (MVP), and review implementation of the MVP annually.

Committee Members

Position Name
PGME Dean Dr. Lorne Wiesenfeld (Chair)
UGME Dean Dr. Evelyn Sutton
PG Manager Maureen Morris
Program Director Dr. Paul Miron
Program Administrator Erin Blazey
Student Affairs representative Elizabeth Lefebvre
Medical student representative Rishi Sharma
Medical student representative Maxim Bastarache
Resident representative Dr. Bernard Ho
Resident representative Dr. Samuel Bergeron
Legal representative Maureen Murphy
Representative familiar with IMG issues Allison Dennis
CaRMS CEO (Ex Officio) John Gallinger
CaRMS representative Ashley McKiver
CaRMS representative Yoko Nakagen
CaRMS representative Thea McCarthy
CaRMS representative Andrew Barbour

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