In advance of the 2023 R-1 Main Residency Match (R-1 match), we want to share some important information with applicants who are planning to participate in both Canadian and US matches in the 2023 R-1 cycle.

CaRMS and the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) in the US have an information sharing agreement that permits applicants to participate in both the Canadian and US matches while preventing them from matching in both countries. Under this agreement, mutual applicants matched in whichever country runs its match first are removed from the other organization’s match. This is crucial to ensure the integrity of both countries’ match processes and to support applicants considering training opportunities in both countries.

The timing of this year’s R-1 match means that applicants choosing to participate in both the Canadian and US matches will have a slightly different experience than in previous years. As the NRMP match takes place earlier in the 2023 R-1 cycle, any applicants that match through NRMP prior to the NRMP Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program (SOAP) will be withdrawn from the CaRMS R-1 match. Applicants who do not match through NRMP but have submitted an ROL in the CaRMS R-1 match will be blocked from participating in the NRMP SOAP.

While this is a departure from previous years in which more time between NRMP Match Day and CaRMS Match Day has permitted more complete participation in both match processes, it is necessary to ensure applicants who wish to apply to both Canadian and US programs are able to do so.

If you have any questions about how this change may affect you, please reach out to us at

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