With the 2022 R-1 Main Residency Match (R-1 match) about to get underway for applicants, we are happy to announce a change that has been made to the applicant fee model in this year’s R-1 match.
What is changing, and why?
Over the past several years, there has been a dramatic growth in the number of distributed training sites for Family Medicine and a small number of other disciplines. As applicants have traditionally paid a program application fee for each program site they applied to, this growth has meant that in order to access all available opportunities, applicants to multi-site programs have had to pay considerably more than applicants to single-site programs. To achieve greater financial equity for all applicants regardless of their chosen career path in this changed environment, R-1 program application fees will be charged for each program discipline an applicant applies to at a university (university + discipline) rather than for each program site (university + discipline + training site). This change means that applicants wishing to apply to multiple training sites within the same program discipline at a given university will no longer have to pay additional fees to do so.
Over the past five years, CaRMS has introduced fee reductions that have amounted to savings of approximately 25 per cent for applicants applying to the average 21 programs. These successive fee decreases have been reflective of our commitment to value for money and responsible financial stewardship. The changes being introduced for the 2022 R-1 match build on this foundation and are being undertaken in the interests of achieving greater financial equity for applicants.
The new fee model was developed in consultation with and endorsed by the organizations representing Canada’s medical students and residents—the Canadian Federation of Medical Students (CFMS), Resident Doctors of Canada (RDoC), Fédération Médicale Étudiante du Québec (FMEQ) and Fédération des médecins résidents du Québec (FMRQ).
Only the R-1 fee structure is affected by this change. The fee model for subspecialty matches remains unchanged.
Want to know more? Please visit our website for more detailed information. We thank you for your continuing support in our collective efforts to make a more equitable match.