Updated June 26, 2024

University of Manitoba

2025 Cycle Information

Criteria applicable for all medical graduates; for specific information, please see tabs.

Please note that the criteria on this page is from the 2024 match. Updated 2025 provincial criteria will be posted on this page in the upcoming months, once it has been reviewed by the province.


GENERAL INFORMATION The University of Manitoba Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, Max Rady College of Medicine, and Manitoba Health have agreed to the following policies for the MSM match. It is important to note that individual programs may have specific criteria that are used to review applications. Applicants are responsible for reviewing program specific criteria, as well as the provincial criteria listed below, to ensure they meet all required eligibility criteria.

All matched applicants must be eligible for and maintain registration with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba (CPSM) on the educational register. Any delays in providing all required documentation to CPSM may result in a delay in the issuance of a certificate of registration and a delay in the start of postgraduate training.

LICENSING BODY All residents must meet the licensing criteria for registration with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba (CPSM) for postgraduate education. See the CPSM website for information.
TRAINING LEVEL ELIGIBILITY Subspecialty: Medicine Subspecialties

Training level: Current Resident

  • Eligibility Details:
    • Current residents who are enrolled in a Royal College Internal Medicine programs who will be completing PGY3 training in Internal Medicine on or before December 31, 2025. PGY3 residents with completion dates between July 1 and December 31, 2025 must declare their completion date on the application form and request a late start.
    • International Medical Graduates (IMGs) are eligible to apply if currently enrolled in Internal Medicine residency programs in Canadian medical schools. (see language requirement)

Subspecialty: Adult Critical Care Medicine

Training level: Current Resident

  • Eligibility Details: Current residents who are enrolled in one of the approved Royal College programs below and will be completing training on or before December 31, 2025.  Residents with completion dates between July 1 and December 31, 2025, must declare their completion date on the application form and request a late start.
    1. Internal Medicine, and its subspecialties
    2. General Surgery
    3. Anesthesia
    4. Emergency Medicine
    5. Cardiac Surgery

Subspecialty: Adult Palliative Medicine​ 

Training level: Current Resident

  • Eligibility Details:
    • Royal College Certification in Internal Medicine, Anesthesiology, or Neurology, or enrolment in a Royal College accredited residency program in these disciplines.
    • Entry from other specialties may occur but must follow completion of the primary specialty training and must include the prerequisites of: Twelve (12) months of clinical medicine-based rotations with a minimum of six (6) months at a PGY2 or higher level designed to allow achievement of competencies in the consultation and care of complex medical patients, interprofessional care, and effective communication skills.
    • All candidates must be certified in their primary specialty in order to be eligible to write the Royal College certification examination in adult Palliative Medicine.

Subspecialty: Thoracic surgery​ 

Training level: Current Resident

  • Eligibility Details:
    • Royal College Certification or enrolment in a Royal College approved residency program in General Surgery.
    • Current residents must be scheduled to complete the PGY5 year of General Surgery by June 30, 2025


    • Royal College Certification or enrolment in a Royal College approved residency program in Cardiac Surgery and: 1. Six (6) blocks of General Surgery at the PGY3 level 2. One (1) block of pediatric surgery 3. One (1) block of endoscopy 4. Two (2) blocks of surgical intensive care 5. Two (2) blocks of trauma service as a senior resident 6. Thirteen (13) blocks of General Surgery as the senior resident in the program
    • Current residents must be scheduled to complete the PGY5 year of Cardiac Surgery by June 30, 2025
    • All candidates must be certified in their primary specialty in order to be eligible to write the Royal College certification examination in Thoracic Surgery.

Subspecialty: Geriatric psychiatry​ 

Training level: Current Resident

  • Eligibility Details:
    • Current residents enrolled in a Royal College Psychiatry program or have Royal College certification in Psychiatry.
    • Residents currently in a Royal College Psychiatry program who will be completing PGY3 on or before December 31, 2024.
RESTRICTIONS  The medicine subspecialty match cannot be used for transfers or re-entry.

Sponsored Residents (Foreign Governments) or Trainees on work permits must apply directly through the school’s PGME office for subspecialty training. These positions are supernumerary and not part of the CaRMS Medicine Subspecialty Match process.

CITIZENSHIP REQUIREMENTS See the Summary of citizenship requirements.
PROOF OF LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY See the Summary of language proficiency requirements.


Criteria found in the first iteration of the MSM match equally applies to the second iteration.

Residents completing a PGY4 year in Internal Medicine are eligible to apply in the second iteration provided they remain registered in an accredited Internal Medicine program for the full length of the PGY4 year.



  • Requirement: Mandatory with exceptions
  • Date/milestone assessment submission required: File review opening​

Applicants training in Internal Medicine in Canada must have passed the MCCQE Part 1.

Applicants training in Internal Medicine outside of Canada are eligible to apply for the Medicine Subspecialty Match if the following criteria have been met:

  • They have passed the MCCQE Part 1 (or USMLE Step 1 and Step 2);
  • They provide proof of successful results from the examinations listed in Medical Council of Canada Exam section; and
  • They have had their training assessed by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

Medical Council of Canada (MCC) examination data and documents are only accepted as transfers from physiciansapply.ca. Instructions on how to transfer documents from physiciansapply.ca to your CaRMS account can be found here.

RETURN OF SERVICE (ROS) REQUIREMENTS All applicants with a return of service agreement must attach a copy of that agreement to their applications.  The printed agreement must indicate that subspecialty training in a province different from the one to which return of service is required is acceptable.
MEDICAL EDUCATION Applicants must have MD or equivalent.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION  All candidates accepted to all residency programs must attend the mandatory PGME orientation day on Thursday, June 26, 2025.



  • Requirement: Mandatory with exceptions
  • Date/milestone assessment submission required: File review opening

Applicants who are training in Internal Medicine in Canada must have passed the MCCQE Part 1 or USMLE Step 1 and Step 2.

Applicants who are training in Internal Medicine in the United States are eligible to apply for the Medicine Subspecialty Match if the following criteria have been met:

  • They have passed the MCCQE Part 1 (USMLE Step 1 and Step 2);
  • They provide proof of successful results from the examinations listed in Medical Council of Canada Exam section; and
  • They have had their training assessed by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

Medical Council of Canada (MCC) examination data and documents are only accepted as transfers from physiciansapply.ca. Instructions on how to transfer documents from physiciansapply.ca to your CaRMS account can be found here.

RETURN OF SERVICE (ROS) REQUIREMENTS All applicants with a return of service agreement must attach a copy of that agreement to their applications.  The printed agreement must indicate that subspecialty training in a province different from the one to which return of service is required is acceptable.
MEDICAL EDUCATION International applicants are required to provide evidence that their medical education was from a recognized school in the World Directory of Medical Schools


Pre-Residency Orientation Programs

To help ensure a smooth transition to residency, all IMG candidates accepted to residency programs are required to complete the mandatory two-week orientation program in June 2025. Further information about the mandatory IMG Orientation can be found on the University of Manitoba, International Medical Graduates-Orientation webpage.

All candidates accepted to all residency programs must attend the mandatory PGME orientation day on Thursday, June 26, 2025.

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