New Match Violations Policy
CaRMS has rolled out a new Match Violations Policy (MVP) for all matches for the 2021 match cycle. The new MVP was developed by a joint committee including representation from learner organizations (CFMS, FMEQ, RDoC and FMRQ), the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC), and CaRMS, to ensure that those most directly affected by the match violations process had a direct role in shaping it. It provides enhanced clarity around the violations process, including clear examples of what actions could constitute violations, as well as a range of possible sanctions and notifications in line with the severity of the offence. It also plainly lays out the reporting, review, and appeals process.
The new policy will be complemented with an outreach and education campaign throughout the 2021 match year. Our goal is to help protect the integrity of the match process by ensuring both applicants and programs understand what constitutes a violation, are clear on the process for reporting a violation, and feel safe and supported in reporting one should the need arise.
Mandatory MINC
COVID-19 operations and ongoing support
Working with the community
Innovation and improvement
One thing COVID-19 has not changed is CaRMS’ commitment to continually improving our online platform and services. As always, we are here to help with product enhancements that minimize our clients’ work effort and improve their experience using CaRMS Online. Some of the enhancements we’ve rolled out for the opening of the 2021 cycle include BPAS enhancements to improve program description management and clarity, program administrator management for PGME offices and program directors, a simplified applicant registration process, a streamlined translation process, and automated antivirus protection for documents uploaded to CaRMS Online. We’ve also worked with our clients to introduce new technology that makes it easier for faculties and third parties share information and documents with CaRMS. Finally, we’ve worked with provincial bodies to standardize provincial eligibility criteria posted on to make it easier for applicants to understand and compare requirements across different provinces.
More client-centric enhancements—including a program description change notification and an applicant document assignment check—will be released later in the match year.